I am getting an exception when doing a search on multiple section. It occurs when applying a snapshot on the datasource.

Background: I have (pre-defined) sections, and each section has a collection of items. Sections won't appear in the viewController if there are no items in section. Items are added by a function of the app. Once an item is added in one of the section, datasource update is called and will show the section with the item added.

Problem: Encountering this issue when trying to search for a non-existent item twice. To reproduce, you can enter a non-existent item, then delete the search string via a backspace, then input a non-existing item again, then error will be thrown on the dataSource.apply().

Hoping someone can help. TIA!

Here is the code:

    func updateData(on searchItem: String = "") {
        //create a snapshot that will be used by the datasource to apply the diff changes
        snapshot = NSDiffableDataSourceSnapshot<Section, Item>()
        Manager.shared.getAllSections().forEach { section in
            let items = section.items
            //if search string is empty, we just assign the items of the section, 
            //else we filter it based on the searchItem
            var filteredItems = searchItem.isEmpty ? items :
                items.filter { $0.itemName.lowercased().contains(searchItem.lowercased()) }
            //if theres no items filtered, we ain't appending any section and items
            if filteredItems.count > 0 {
        //when calling apply, i get the exception when calling apply on dataSource
        dataSource.apply(snapshot, animatingDifferences: false)

    //Here is the updateSearchResults delegate method triggered when typing something in the search bar
    func updateSearchResults(for searchController: UISearchController) {
        guard let searchedItem = searchController.searchBar.text, !searchedItem.isEmpty else {
        updateData(on: searchedItem)

There are 2 best solutions below


ok so I think this is some type of internal bug in diffable data source where it doesn't like when you have 0 sections in your collection view, but the workaround I figured out was to just add a dummy section and hide the section header (if you have one).

in your updateData() method you could add:

if snapshot.numberOfItems == 0 {
    snapshot.appendSections([YourSection(name: "dummy")])

Then if you're using a section header, give that dummy section some identifiable variable that you can use to hide the header. When dequeuing a supplementary view (header), check if the name == "dummy" then hide the header if so.

It's a hack, but it ends up looking the exact same and you don't have to deal with ugly empty sections being displayed.


My understanding is that that happens when the compositional layout is trying to resolve layout for a section that doesn't exist in the data source.

In my case I was using UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout(sectionProvider:) which was returning old sections when my data source was returning the correct ones but different.

How I fixed it was invalidating the layout: collectionView.collectionViewLayout.invalidateLayout()