Getting pattern mismatch error while sharing a folder using Dropbox API

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I am working on an Android app which uses Dropbox Core SDK v3.0.3. While trying to share a folder with another member, I am constantly getting an error. The code is creating a new shared folder in the specified name, but not adding any members.

This is my code:

List<AddMember> list = new ArrayList<AddMember>();
AddMember newMember = new AddMember(, AccessLevel.EDITOR);
ShareFolderLaunch sfl = dbxClient.sharing().shareFolder("/" + clerkName);
dbxClient.sharing().addFolderMember(sfl.getCompleteValue().toString(), list); //I am getting error here.

clerkName: Name of the shared folder

clerkDbId: Dropbox id to which I want to share the above folder

I tried changing the first line to:

ArrayList<AddMember> list = new ArrayList<>();

Still I am getting the same error. This is the error I am getting:

String 'sharedFolderId' does not match pattern java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: String 'sharedFolderId' does not match pattern at com.dropbox.core.v2.sharing.AddFolderMemberArg.( at com.dropbox.core.v2.sharing.AddFolderMemberArg.( at com.dropbox.core.v2.sharing.DbxUserSharingRequests.addFolderMember( at com.dbapp.ashworth.adminapp.FilesActivity$3$1.doInBackground( at com.dbapp.ashworth.adminapp.FilesActivity$3$1.doInBackground( at android.os.AsyncTask$ at at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ at

Can anyone please tell me what am I doing wrong here?


There are 1 best solutions below


The error message is indicating that the sharedFolderId parameter value that you're passing to addFolderMember doesn't appear to be a valid shared folder ID.

You're passing in the entire SharedFolderMetadata (as a string). You should instead just get the shared folder ID like this:


By the way, when calling shareFolder, you're not guaranteed to get the completed information immediately. You should use ShareFolderLaunch.isComplete/ShareFolderLaunch.isAsyncJobId to check what you got back. There's more information in the shareFolder documentation