Getting rid of <arg0>

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I have Java WebService code in my eclipse. I have used @WebService @Webmethod, @XmlElements, @XmlType, @XmlAccessorType

Now I am generating wsdl using java2ws command from cxf framework. Here is the command

F:\....\code\java2wsdl>java2ws -o CustomerVxRR.wsdl -d <myOutputDir> -wsdl -cp <myClassesFolder> <ServiceImpl class>

my wsdl file contqins agr0 as name which I do not want because when I am importing it to SoapUI. It is adding tag around the field.

Here is wsdl part with arg0

<xs:schema ..... >
<xs:complexType name="myServiceMethodName">
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="arg0" type="tns:ServiceInputClassName"/>
<xs:complexType name="ServiceInputClassName">
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="EmpID" type="xs:string"/>

Here is the request object which is generated in SOAPUI

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:cus="">
            <EmpID >123456</EmpID>

If I remove tag I get this response:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
         <faultstring>Unmarshalling Error: unexpected element (uri:"", local:"EmpID"). Expected elements are &lt;{}empid></faultstring>

I do not want to keep arg0 in the request XML


There are 1 best solutions below


I just fixed it after some research of my own code. The only thing which is required to change <arg0> is that we need to used @WebParam annotation to declare custome name instead of "arg0".

For example:

my service name is getEmpDetail and EmpID is the input parameter to the service then here is the declaration required in the service impl class:

public Emp getEmpDetail(@WebParam(name="EmpDetail") String EmpId)

after generatingfrom WSDL the request XML will look like below
