Getting Wiktionary Term from DBPedia Sparql Endpoint with RDFSharp

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I am trying to return dbpedia entries for Wiktionary terms by searching for the term using the RDFSharp library. (Once I have the term, I'll get additional properties, but for now I just need to know if I'm approaching this the right way.)

My current implementation (below) only returns empty result sets.

How can I modify my RDFQuery and the dependent object instances to return get the dbpedia entry for a specific Wiktionary term by matching part of speech and the term string?

I used a related example SPARQL query from SO (How to get all nouns in a certain language from Wiktionary using SPARQL) and the RDFSharp query docs as a starting point.


//spaql generated by rdfsharp
PREFIX terms: <>
PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>

    ?TERM terms:hasPoS terms: Noun .
    FILTER ( ?TERMLABEL = "dog" ) 
//end sparql fragment

RDFSPARQLEndpoint dbPedidaWiktionaryEndpoint = new RDFSPARQLEndpoint(new Uri(@""));

RDFNamespace terms = new RDFNamespace("terms", "");
RDFNamespace dc = new RDFNamespace("dc", "");
RDFNamespace rdfs = new RDFNamespace("rdfs", "");

RDFResource termsHasPos = new RDFResource(terms + "hasPoS");
RDFResource termsNoun = new RDFResource(terms + "Noun");
RDFResource termsEnglish = new RDFResource(terms + "English");

// Create variables
RDFVariable searchTerm = new RDFVariable("term"); //passed in 
RDFVariable termLabel = new RDFVariable("termLabel");

RDFPatternGroup PG1 = new RDFPatternGroup();

RDFPattern termIsANoun = new RDFPattern(searchTerm, termsHasPos, termsNoun);

RDFModifier limitReturnCount = new RDFLimitModifier(5);

   .AddFilter(new RDFComparisonFilter( RDFQueryEnums.RDFComparisonFlavors.EqualTo, termLabel, new RDFPlainLiteral(term)));

RDFSPARQLEndpointQueryOptions endpointQueryOptions = new RDFSPARQLEndpointQueryOptions();

endpointQueryOptions.TimeoutMilliseconds = 30000;

RDFGraph graph = new RDFGraph();
// Compose query
RDFSelectQuery query = new RDFSelectQuery()

//have tried these "flavors" of query invocations, jic, alway empty result :/
//RDFSelectQueryResult selectResult = await query.ApplyToSPARQLEndpointAsync(dbPedidaWiktionaryEndpoint, endpointQueryOptions);
//RDFSelectQueryResult selectResult = query.ApplyToGraph(graph);
RDFSelectQueryResult selectResult = await query.ApplyToGraphAsync(graph);

string queryText = query.ToString();


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