git status prompt is not shown in PowerShell

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function prompt {
    $time = Get-Date -Format "HH:mm"
    $location = (Get-Location -PSProvider FileSystem).Path

    $promptText = "["
    $promptText += "$([char]27)[96m$time$([char]27)[0m "
    $promptText += "$([char]27)[32momkrbhagat$([char]27)[0m "
    $promptText += "$([char]27)[35m$location$([char]27)[0m"

    Write-Host $promptText -NoNewline
    return " ~ "

This is my own custom prompt for PowerShell. I have posh-git installed and imported module in my $PROFILE too. Git commands tab completion also works well, but when I initialize my git repository didn't see Git status prompt. I think my own custom prompt affects showing Git status prompt. So, how can I integrate my own prompt and Git status prompt.

I expect the following output : [HH:mm] omkrbhagat C:\Users\onkar (master) ~

For this I append the following line : if (Test-Path variable:GitPromptSettings) { Write-VcsStatus }

But still didn't work. Apart from that when I initialize the git repository only then and then the git status prompt should be shown.


There are 1 best solutions below


Check this file "".

If you would like fine grained control over how the Git status summary information is displayed in your prompt function, you can get the raw status summary information via the Get-GitStatus command. Then you can display the information in your prompt however you would like.