Glassfish 5 (Payara Server) in Intellij Idea 2020 Community Edition

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I'm following a tutorial with Payara Server 5.2020.4 and IntelliJ Version: 2020.2.1.

The tutor is using IntelliJ Ultimate, and I have only IntelliJ Community.

I know about of the existence of Netbeans / Eclipse are already enable for that, and I was using them.

But, I have still the doubt and I would like to solve it.

Is it possible via pom.xml add support for Glassfish/Payara server like this answer for Tomcat?

And How to do it?

Thanks in advance.


There are 1 best solutions below


Yes, it's possible to integrate Payara Server with any IDE using maven.

This is possible using the general Cargo maven plugin, which supports many application servers, including Payara Server. You can see how to do it in Payara blog here:

and documentation of Payara Server support in Cargo plugin here: