I am following the instructions contained here https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/ios/v3/campaigns#url-builder

Xcode refuses to compile since this statement

[hitParams set:kGAICampaignMedium value:@"referrer"];

gives this error:

No visible @interface for 'GAIDictionaryBuilder' declares the selector 'set:value:'

The same happens to the kGAICampaignSource

I have seen that the "correct" calls may be these two

[hitParams setValue:kGAICampaignMedium forKey:@"referrer"];
[hitParams setValue:kGAICampaignSource forKey:[url host]];

However there is another issue with the call:

[tracker send:[[[GAIDictionaryBuilder createAppView] setAll:hitParams] build]];

Which sends a warning because hitParams should be a NSDictionary and it is a GAIDictionaryBuilder.

Am I doing something wrong? I have upgraded google analytics to the latest (3.10) version.

Thank you all


There are 1 best solutions below


The specific lines you are having trouble with aren't supported by that version of the SDK. It looks like the v3 SDK documentation is out of date (As at: 2 Dec 2014).

// hitparams is of type GAIDictionaryBuilder
[hitParams set:@"referrer" forKey:kGAICampaignMedium];
[hitParams set:[url host] forKey:kGAICampaignSource];

NSDictionary *paramDictionary = [hitParams build];
// -setAll: requires an NSDictionary
[tracker send:[[[GAIDictionaryBuilder createAppView] setAll:paramDictionary] build]];