Google Webfonts destroys CLS score (FOUT)

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So recently, we have been looking into optimizing our website for the new "Core web vitals", and has pinpointed the issues to be related to flexbox row (resolved), which resulted in bad CLS score for Desktop, and on Mobile it appears to be Google Web Fonts destroying the CLS score.

When we add this little code all is looking good. CLS score is 0. When we use Google Web Font, the score is 0.326 (For mobile only, desktop seems fine).

    font-family: sans-serif!important;

Here is the way that we are using Google Fonts.

<link rel="preconnect" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" rel="preload" as="style" href=";600;700&family=Source+Sans+Pro:wght@400;900&display=swap">

Why do we have rel="stylesheet" and rel="preload"? The latter is not yet supported on browsers such as Firefox, we learned, where previously the fonts would not load completely, this was fixed when we added stylesheet as well.

What have we tried?

We have tried changing the &display=swap value to things such as block,fallback,optional as recommended in other articles, none of these affected the CLS score, though it seemed that there was no FOUT (tested with throttled "Fast 3G".).

We also tried self-hosting all the fonts, that didn't really work either.

Still, we do believe this is related to the fonts, as when we apply the CSS above, the CLS score is 0. Which is what we are looking for, but we still would like the webfonts. Also, when we change the &display=swap value, we get another "warning" in Lighthouse, recommending to use the swap for better user experience, but this is what causes the CLS problem... Any ideas?

Here are the results, with just this simple change (CSS) as mentioned above.

Score: 94 (Mobile) - 93 (Desktop) = Nice..!

enter image description here

And this is without the CSS above, and Google webfonts.

Score: 69 (Mobile) - 91 (Desktop) = Mobile could be better.. All good on Desktop.

enter image description here


There are 1 best solutions below


Here are two solutions I know to deal with this issue:

Style the fallback fonts to match the web font and use the [CSS Font Loading API] to change classes when the webfont loads.

See here for an example of using the Font Loading API to launch a callback when a certain font loads. You can use a tool like this one to match up the fallback font to the web font.

Use chrome's @font-face descriptors override on the fallback font to match the webfont

Font descriptors override just arrived in chrome 87, they let you perform the same functionality as option 1, but without the need for separate classes and JavaScript, you just target a specific font-family inside of a @font-face. The downside is that this is only available in chrome 87 at the time of writing this.