Gource on Windows

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We're having problems on windows creating a video file from gource (gource). We can run gource and watch the video live but don't seem to be able to get any useful physical output.


There are 3 best solutions below

gource -1024x768 --stop-position 1.0 --highlight-all-users --hide-filenames --seconds-per-day 5 --output-framerate 60 --output-ppm-stream output.ppm

ffmpeg -y -r 60 -f image2pipe -vcodec ppm -i output.ppm  -vcodec wmv1 -r 60 -qscale 0 out.wmv

The key was the image2pipe format which seems to extract all the frames from the ppm rather than treating it as an individual image.


Presets are now deprecated.

Here's what I used.

gource -f -3840x2160 --camera-mode  track  --file-idle-time 150  --max-file-lag 4 --seconds-per-day 2 --highlight-all-users --output-framerate 30 --output-ppm-stream output.ppm

ffmpeg -i output.ppm -c:v libx264 -crf 24 -preset veryslow output.mp4

More info here:


FFmpeg does not include text file based presets and profiles anymore for libx264, i.e. what you've used with the -vpre option. These have been depreciated and removed in favor of accessing the actual x264 presets, profiles (and tunes) with the -preset, -profile:v, and -tune options. The old text files only emulated the official x264 presets and profiles, and due to several limitations could not offer full functionality that the new system provides. It is also much easier to maintain.


I made gource video on windows with this program SmartPixel. Just make gource go fullscreen like that:

gource --fullscreen

In setting you just need to turn off watermark. Any game/video capturing software serves same purpose.

Usefull options:

gource --fullscreen --save-config config.txt

Saves current options in text file and you can see what its look like egzample file content from above: [display] fullscreen=true

gource --load-config config.txt

Loads from config