GPath testing for decimal value

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Using Rest Assured in Java to test some APIs. Trying to use GPath to return a value.

Why does this work?

int i = response.path("Result.find{it.Amount>293.50 && it.Amount<293.52 && it.CreatedDate=='10/26/2018'}.Id");

But this doesn't?

int i = response.path("Result.find{it.Amount==293.51 && it.CreatedDate=='10/26/2018'}.Id");

Does GPath have some weird thing about decimal values? I'm new to GPath and have tried researching but can't find anything conclusive.


There are 1 best solutions below


An exceptionally bright co-worker found the answer for me. Posting here to help those of you trying to figure it out.

In order to test double values it should read:

int i = response.path("Result.find{it.Amount.toDouble()==293.51 && it.CreatedDate=='10/26/2018'}.Id");