GWT Celltable : Custom DatePickerCell

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I want to use customDatePickerCell in CellTable.

Current GWT2.3 Datepicker cell is as follows

GWT DatePickerCell

I am using GWT 2.3. DatePicker cell showing Navigation only for month not for year also there is no seprate navigation for month and Year.

Is there any way to create CustomDatePickercell as follows or close to this

Custom DatePickerCell

  1. Separate navigation for year and month
  2. Sequence of days like S M T W T F S

Any one developed such datepicker cell. if yes then share sample code else provide hint for the same.

Any help or guidance in this matter would be appreciated


There are 1 best solutions below


I'll copy/paste here the answer I made on the GWT Google Group:

I haven't tried it but theoretically you should be able to implement your own MonthSelector with separate navigation for month and year.

As for the first day of week, it depends on the locale (see CalendarUtil#getStartingDayOfWeek() and DateTimeFormatInfo#firstDayOfTheWeek())