h323plus samples error in VS2013

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I am new in h323plus I need to build a simple h323 client in Vc++ using h323plus lib. I have successfully complied ptlib and h323plus now I am trying to compile sample which is with h323plus in VS2013 .But I am having following error every time I compile the sample

   1>h323plus.lib(h323ep.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public:          __thiscall H323_RFC4103Handler::H323_RFC4103Handler(enum H323Channel::Directions,class  H323Connection &,unsigned int)" (??0H323_RFC4103Handler@@QAE@W4Directions@H323Channel@@AAVH323Connection@@I@Z) referenced in function "public: virtual class H323_RFC4103Handler * __thiscall H323EndPoint::CreateRFC4103ProtocolHandler(enum H323Channel::Directions,class H323Connection &,unsigned int)" (?CreateRFC4103ProtocolHandler@H323EndPoint@@UAEPAVH323_RFC4103Handler@@W4Directions@H323Channel@@AAVH323Connection@@I@Z)

Please somebody help me I need it badly done .


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