Hadoop 3.0.0 No lib/native folder. WARN util.NativeCodeLoader

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I was following https://amodernstory.com/2014/09/23/installing-hadoop-on-mac-osx-yosemite/ to install hadoop on my mac for local small tasks.

When hstart/hstop, getting "WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable"

Have tried options in below link to rename folder/path for lib/native. Renamed libexec/ to lib/ but errors in scripts that libexec should be correct. Hadoop "Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform" warning

However, in hadoop 3.0.0, the structure is like:

username-local:hadoop me$ pwd

username-local:hadoop me$ ls
3.0.0   hdfs

username-local:hadoop me$ cd 3.0.0/
username-local:3.0.0 me$ ls
INSTALL_RECEIPT.json    NOTICE.txt      bin         sbin
LICENSE.txt     README.txt      libexec

username-local:3.0.0 me$ cd libexec/
username-local:libexec me$ ls
bin etc libexec logs    sbin    share

username-local:libexec me$ cd libexec/
username-local:libexec me$ pwd
username-local:libexec me$ ls
hadoop-config.sh        hdfs-config.sh          tools
hadoop-functions.sh     mapred-config.sh        yarn-config.sh
hadoop-layout.sh.example    shellprofile.d

username-local:libexec me$ cd ../etc/
username-local:etc me$ ls
username-local:etc me$ cd hadoop/
username-local:hadoop me$ ls
capacity-scheduler.xml          httpfs-log4j.properties         mapred-site.xml
configuration.xsl           httpfs-signature.secret         shellprofile.d
container-executor.cfg          httpfs-site.xml             ssl-client.xml.example
core-site.xml               kms-acls.xml                ssl-server.xml.example
hadoop-env.sh               kms-env.sh              user_ec_policies.xml.template
hadoop-metrics2.properties      kms-log4j.properties            workers
hadoop-policy.xml           kms-site.xml                yarn-env.sh
hadoop-user-functions.sh.example    log4j.properties            yarn-site.xml
hdfs-site.xml               mapred-env.sh
httpfs-env.sh               mapred-queues.xml.template
username-local:hadoop me$

Any ideas please? Thank you.


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