hanami 2.0 with sequel

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I'm following this guide for getting started with hanami:


Rather than using ROM, I prefer Sequel, but I stumble upon the persistancy :


In my gemfile, I use sequel and pg instead of rom.

I added this to config/app.rb:

require "sequel"

and config/providers/persistence.rb contains this:

Hanami.app.register_provider :persistence, namespace: true do
  prepare do

    #config = ROM::Configuration.new(:sql, target["settings"].database_url)
    config = DB = Sequel.connect(database_url) 

    register "config", config
    register "db", config.gateways[:default].connection

  start do
    config = target["persistence.config"]

    # config.auto_registration(
    #   target.root.join("lib/bookshelf/persistence"),
    #   namespace: "Bookshelf::Persistence"
    # )

    register "sequel", DB


module Bookshelf
  class Settings < Hanami::Settings
    # Define your app settings here, for example:
    # setting :my_flag, default: false, constructor: Types::Params::Bool

    setting :database_url, constructor: Types::String

and finally, the database_url is defined in a .env and and .env.test file.

# .env

Running this from the hanami console works fine:

moi@Hugo bookshelf % bundle exec hanami console
bookshelf[development]> Hanami.app["settings"].database_url
=> "postgres://moi@localhost:5432/bookshelf_development"

Sequel allows for migrations to be run as a rake task: http://sequel.jeremyevans.net/rdoc/files/doc/migration_rdoc.html#label-Running+migrations+from+a+Rake+task

My Rakefile:

require "sequel"

namespace :db do
  desc "Run migrations"
  task :migrate, [:version] do |t, args|
    require "sequel/core"
    Sequel.extension :migration
    version = args[:version].to_i if args[:version]
    Sequel.connect(ENV.fetch("DATABASE_URL")) do |db|
      Sequel::Migrator.run(db, "db/migrations", target: version)

however... when I run try to run that migration from the console, as per Sequel documentation :

thiebo@Hugo bookshelf % rake db:migrate           
rake aborted!
KeyError: key not found: "DATABASE_URL"
/Users/thiebo/bookshelf/Rakefile:12:in `fetch'
/Users/thiebo/bookshelf/Rakefile:12:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
/Users/thiebo/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.0.0/gems/rake-13.0.6/exe/rake:27:in `<top (required)>'
/Users/thiebo/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.0.0/bin/ruby_executable_hooks:22:in `eval'
/Users/thiebo/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.0.0/bin/ruby_executable_hooks:22:in `<main>'
Tasks: TOP => db:migrate
(See full trace by running task with --trace)

(it also doesn't work with database_url instead of DATABASE_URL. Same error...)


There are 1 best solutions below


Hanami By default loads environment variables via Dotenv. You can just load it manually like @engineersmnky mentioned in the comment. Quoted his response for reference:

It appears you are using Dotenv if so you should just be able to add require 'dotenv/tasks' and then namespace your rake task under the the :dotenv key or add require 'dotenv/load' which will load the .env files. – @engineersmnky

However, I prefer to just load the hanami/prepare in my rake tasks, which loads the same configuration as we have for console, keeping our tasks fast and clean, but automatically resolving all the config for you automatically.

I've an example of this in configuring ROM from scratch tutorial

Long story short, by calling:

# rakefile
require "hanami/prepare"

* ....

In your rakefile, you'll load all the settings, resolved by preconfigured engine, which is dotenv in this case.

It's useful for example, when you would like to load environment/settings via different engine (from YAML for example?), and in that case, no change would be required in your rakefile.