Handling QSqlTableModel data on startup

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I have an application of which I want data from an SQLite database to be parsed directly on startup.

When starting the application, I'm calling a member function of my QSqlTableModel instance called create():


MyModel::MyModel(QObject* parent) : QSqlTableModel(parent)

// ...

void MyModel::create()
    // SQL specific

    setSort(2, Qt::DescendingOrder);

    // config specific

    emit myModelChanged();

I have a controller which provides MyModel for QML:


class MyController : public QObject
    Q_PROPERTY(MyModel* myModel READ myModel CONSTANT)

    MyModel* myModel() { return _myModel; }

    // ...

    QSqlDatabase _database;
    MyModel* _myModel { nullptr };


MyController::MyController(QObject* parent) : QObject(parent)
    _database = QSqlDatabase::database();
    // ...
    _myModel = new MyModel(this, _database);

void MyController::start()
    // ...

The controller class is being registered for QML in my main.cpp:


int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    // ...

    qmlRegisterType<MyController>("my.application.app", 1, 0, "MyController");

    // ...

and instantiated in main.qml:


ApplicationWindow {
    // ...

    MyController {
        id: myController
        objectName: "myController"

        onMyModelChanged: {
            if (myModel.someValue.length > 0) {
                Config.someValue = myModel.someValue;

            if (myModel.otherValue.length > 0) {
                Config.otherValue = myModel.otherValue;

    // ...

Now, what I want is for my QSqlTableModel to retain data from the SQL table directly after calling the create function so the table model will be refreshed and accessible in QML.

E.g., I want Config.someValue and Config.otherValue in QML to be set directly after starting the application.

How do I tell the QSqlTableModel to refresh and push data to QML even if no data was changed before?

What I can see is when calling QSqlTableModel::data(index(0, 0), 2).toString(), the information is already there, however the table model is not being refreshed in QML but the values requested (i.e. myModel.someValue and myModel.otherValue are shown as undefined. How do I achieve this?


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