Haskell: Trapped in IO monad

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I am trying to parse a file using the parseFile function found in the the haskell-src-exts package.

I am trying to work with the output of parseFile which is of course IO, but I can't figure out how to get around the IO. I found a function liftIO but I am not sure if that is the solution in this situation. Here is the code below.

import Language.Haskell.Exts.Syntax
import Language.Haskell.Exts 
import Data.Map hiding (foldr, map)
import Control.Monad.Trans

increment :: Ord a => a -> Map a Int -> Map a Int
increment a = insertWith (+) a 1

fromName :: Name -> String
fromName (Ident s) = s
fromName (Symbol st) = st

fromQName :: QName -> String
fromQName (Qual _ fn) = fromName fn
fromQName (UnQual n) = fromName n

fromLiteral :: Literal -> String
fromLiteral (Int int) = show int

fromQOp :: QOp -> String
fromQOp (QVarOp qn) = fromQName qn

vars :: Exp -> Map String Int
vars (List (x:xs)) = vars x
vars (Lambda _ _ e1) = vars e1
vars (EnumFrom e1) = vars e1
vars (App e1 e2) = unionWith (+) (vars e1) (vars e2)
vars (Let _ e1) = vars e1
vars (NegApp e1) = vars e1
vars (Var qn) = increment (fromQName qn) empty
vars (Lit l) = increment (fromLiteral l) empty
vars (Paren e1) = vars e1
vars (InfixApp exp1 qop exp2) = 
                 increment (fromQOp qop) $ 
                     unionWith (+) (vars exp1) (vars exp2)

match :: [Match] -> Map String Int
match rhss = foldr (unionWith (+) ) empty 
                    (map (\(Match  a b c d e f) -> rHs e) rhss)

rHS :: GuardedRhs -> Map String Int
rHS (GuardedRhs _ _ e1) = vars e1

rHs':: [GuardedRhs] -> Map String Int
rHs' gr = foldr (unionWith (+)) empty 
                 (map (\(GuardedRhs a b c) -> vars c) gr)

rHs :: Rhs -> Map String Int
rHs (GuardedRhss gr) = rHs' gr
rHs (UnGuardedRhs e1) = vars e1

decl :: [Decl] -> Map String Int
decl decls =  foldr (unionWith (+) ) empty 
                     (map fun decls )
    where fun (FunBind f) = match f
          fun _ = empty

pMod' :: (ParseResult Module) -> Map String Int
pMod' (ParseOk (Module _ _ _ _ _ _ dEcl)) = decl dEcl 

pMod :: FilePath -> Map String Int
pMod = pMod' . liftIO . parseFile 

I just want to be able to use the pMod' function on the output of parseFile.

Note that all the types and data constructors can be found at http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/haskell-src-exts/1.13.5/doc/html/Language-Haskell-Exts-Syntax.html if that helps. Thanks in advance!


There are 2 best solutions below


Once inside IO, there's no escape.

Use fmap:

-- parseFile :: FilePath -> IO (ParseResult Module)
-- pMod' :: (ParseResult Module) -> Map String Int
-- fmap :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

-- fmap pMod' (parseFile filePath) :: IO (Map String Int)

pMod :: FilePath -> IO (Map String Int)
pMod = fmap pMod' . parseFile 

(addition:) As explained in great answer by Levi Pearson, there's also

Prelude Control.Monad> :t liftM
liftM :: (Monad m) => (a1 -> r) -> m a1 -> m r

But that's no black magic either. Consider:

Prelude Control.Monad> let g f = (>>= return . f)
Prelude Control.Monad> :t g
g :: (Monad m) => (a -> b) -> m a -> m b

So your function can also be written as

pMod fpath = fmap pMod' . parseFile $ fpath
     = liftM pMod' . parseFile $ fpath
     = (>>= return . pMod') . parseFile $ fpath   -- pushing it...
     = parseFile fpath >>= return . pMod'         -- that's better

pMod :: FilePath -> IO (Map String Int)
pMod fpath = do
    resMod <- parseFile fpath
    return $ pMod' resMod

whatever you find more intuitive (remember, (.) has the highest precedence, just below the function application).

Incidentally, the >>= return . f bit is how liftM is actually implemented, only in do-notation; and it really shows the equivalency of fmap and liftM, because for any monad it should hold that:

fmap f m  ==  m >>= (return . f)

To give a more general answer than Will's (which was certainly correct and to-the-point), you typically 'lift' operations into a Monad rather than taking values out of them in order to apply pure functions to monadic values.

It so happens that Monads (theoretically) are a specific kind of Functor. Functor describes the class of types that represent mappings of objects and operations into a different context. A data type that is an instance of Functor maps objects into its context via its data constructors and it maps operations into its context via the fmap function. To implement a true functor, fmap must work in such a way that lifting the identity function into the functor context does not change the values in the functor context, and lifting two functions composed together produces the same operation within the functor context as lifting the functions separately and then composing them within the functor context.

Many, many Haskell data types naturally form functors, and fmap provides a universal interface to lift functions so that they apply 'evenly' throughout the functorized data without worrying about the form of the particular Functor instance. A couple of great examples of this are the list type and the Maybe type; fmap of a function into a list context is exactly the same as the familiar map operation on lists, and fmap of a function into a Maybe context will apply the function normally for a Just a value and do nothing for a Nothing value, allowing you to perform operations on it without worrying about which it is.

Having said all that, by a quirk of history the Haskell Prelude doesn't currently require Monad instances to also have a Functor instance, so Monad provides a family of functions that also lift operations into monadic contexts. The operation liftM does the same thing that fmap does for Monad instances that are also Functor instances (as they should be). But fmap and liftM only lift single-argument functions. Monad helpfully provides a family of liftM2 -- liftM5 functions that lift multi-argument functions into monadic context in the same way.

Finally, you asked about liftIO, which brings in the related idea of monad transformers, in which multiple Monad instances are combined in a single data type by applying monad mappings to already-monadic values, forming a kind of stack of monadic mappings over a basic pure type. The mtl library provides one implementation of this general idea, and in its module Control.Monad.Trans it defines two classes, MonadTrans t and Monad m => MonadIO m. The MonadTrans class provides a single function, lift, that gives access to operations in the next higher monadic "layer" in the stack, i.e. (MonadTrans t, Monad m) => m a -> t m a. The MonadIO class provides a single function, liftIO, that provides access to IO monad operations from any "layer" in the stack, i.e. IO a -> m a. These make working with monad transformer stacks much more convenient at the cost of having to provide a lot of transformer instance declarations when new Monad instances are introduced to a stack.