Have qdap amplifiers apply to negated words

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R 3.4.3, using qdap::polarity(), I'm wondering if there is a way to have an amplifier apply to a negated word instead of the actual word itself. In the example below, "love" is the positive word, "didn't" is the negation word, and "definitely" is the amplification word. I want to have phrase "a" have a more negative polarity score, but it appears "definitely" is amplifying "love" and not "didn't love".

text <- c("definitely didn't love", "didn't love", "love")
phrase <- c("a", "b", "c")
df <- data.frame(phrase, text)
polarity(df$text, df$phrase)

  phrase total.sentences total.words ave.polarity sd.polarity stan.mean.polarity
1      a               1           3       -0.115          NA                 NA
2      b               1           2       -0.707          NA                 NA
3      c               1           1        1.000          NA                 NA

Thanks in advance, -jt


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This is not the way qdqp::polarity works. The valence words can amplify, deamplify, or negate/reverse the tagged polarized word only. For example, the phrase "definitely didn't love" from the question above contains <amplifier> <negator> <polarized word>. The negator "didn't", reverses the positively polarized word "love". The amplifier "definitely" amplifies the positive polarized word "love". It does not amplify the negated "didn't love".