Having exception committing offset in pubsublite

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The whole document doesn't give me clear example how to use the API to commit/list offsets

Here is the code I tried to run

        CursorServiceClient csc =
    CursorClient cc = new CursorClientImpl(CloudRegion.of("us-west1"), csc);
    ApiFuture<Map<Partition, Offset>> af = cc.listPartitionCursors(SubscriptionPath.newBuilder()

It returns an error page Error 404 (Not Found)!!1

The requested URL /google.cloud.pubsublite.v1.CursorService/ListPartitionCursors was not found on this server. That’s all we know.


There are 1 best solutions below


Pub/Sub Lite uses exclusively regional endpoints, not the global ones. That being said, manually committing offsets should not usually be done- instead you should use the Pub/Sub compatible clients for subscribing as shown in the samples.

If you really, really want to manually commit and list offsets, file a FR on the GitHub repo and we can prioritize adding a manual offset commit wrapper with better UX.