hcitool does not find ble device but blueman does and so does bettercap and bluetoothctl

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I am confused with this issue. I have the following device (it is a Chinese smartwatch) with MAC address show up on blueman and bettercap but not on hcitool.

I use:

sudo  hcitool lescan 
LE Scan ...
C0:28:8D:D6:66:EA (unknown)

but the device MAC address of Q1 EB:15:0C:38:C9:B0 does not show up.

I try bettercap:

sudo bettercap 
» ble.recon on
» [12:01:38] [ble.device.new] new BLE device Q1 detected as EB:15:0C:38:C9:B0 -77 dBm.

However, I also get:

when I do:

» ble.show 
│ -76 dBm │ eb:15:0c:38:c9:b0 │               │ Limited Discoverable, BR/EDR Not Supported   │ ✔       │ 12:05:38 │

» ble.enum eb:15:0c:38:c9:b0
[12:07:06] [sys.log] [inf] ble.recon connecting to eb:15:0c:38:c9:b0 ...
│   Handles    │               Service > Characteristics               │                    Properties                    │                      Data                      │
│ 0001 -> 0004 │ Generic Attribute (1801)                              │                                                  │                                                │
│ 0003         │     Service Changed (2a05)                            │ BCAST, READ, WRITE, NOTIFY, INDICATE, SIGN WRITE │ 00000000                                       │
│              │                                                       │                                                  │                                                │
│ 0005 -> 000f │ Generic Access (1800)                                 │                                                  │                                                │
│ 0007         │     Device Name (2a00)                                │ READ                                             │ Q1                                             │
│ 0009         │     Appearance (2a01)                                 │ READ                                             │ Unknown                                        │
│ 000b         │     Peripheral Privacy Flag (2a02)                    │ READ                                             │ Privacy Disabled                               │
│ 000d         │     Peripheral Preferred Connection Parameters (2a04) │ READ                                             │ Connection Interval: 224 -> 240                │
│              │                                                       │                                                  │ Slave Latency: 4                               │
│              │                                                       │                                                  │ Connection Supervision Timeout Multiplier: 500 │
│ 000f         │     2aa6                                              │ READ                                             │ 00                                             │
│              │                                                       │                                                  │                                                │
│ 0010 -> 0015 │ 6e400001b5a3f393e0a9e50e24dcca9e                      │                                                  │                                                │
│ 0012         │     6e400003b5a3f393e0a9e50e24dcca9e                  │ NOTIFY                                           │                                                │
│ 0015         │     6e400002b5a3f393e0a9e50e24dcca9e                  │ WRITE                                            │                                                │
│              │                                                       │                                                  │                                                │
│ 0016 -> 002d │ Human Interface Device (1812)                         │                                                  │                                                │
│ 0018         │     Protocol Mode (2a4e)                              │ READ, WRITE                                      │ insufficient encryption                        │
│ 001a         │     Report (2a4d)                                     │ READ, WRITE, NOTIFY                              │ insufficient encryption                        │
│ 001e         │     Report (2a4d)                                     │ READ, WRITE, NOTIFY                              │ insufficient encryption                        │
│ 0022         │     Report (2a4d)                                     │ READ, WRITE, NOTIFY                              │ insufficient encryption                        │
│ 0026         │     Report Map (2a4b)                                 │ READ                                             │ insufficient encryption                        │
│ 0028         │     Boot Mouse Input Report (2a33)                    │ READ, WRITE, NOTIFY                              │ insufficient encryption                        │
│ 002b         │     HID Information (2a4a)                            │ READ                                             │ insufficient encryption                        │
│ 002d         │     HID Control Point (2a4c)                          │ WRITE                                            │                                                │
│              │                                                       │                                                  │                                                │
│ 002e -> 0037 │ fee7                                                  │                                                  │                                                │
│ 0030         │     fec9                                              │ READ, NOTIFY                                     │ ë150c8É°                                       │
│ 0033         │     fea1                                              │ READ, INDICATE                                   │ 07a001009e0100a00100                           │
│ 0036         │     fea2                                              │ READ, WRITE, INDICATE                            │ Ð                                              │
│              │                                                       │                                                  │                                                │

However I am not sure what all this means. I find bettercap very confusing to follow.

» ^D
Are you sure you want to quit this session? y/n y
[12:08:07] [sys.log] [inf] ble.recon stopping scan ...

I also tried gattool:

sudo gatttool -t random -b EB:15:0C:38:C9:B0 -I
[EB:15:0C:38:C9:B0][LE]> sec-level low
[EB:15:0C:38:C9:B0][LE]> connect
Attempting to connect to EB:15:0C:38:C9:B0
Error: connect to EB:15:0C:38:C9:B0: Device or resource busy (16)

I am sorry but I am not sure what to do. I would like to read and write to this device if that is possible. I am on Fedora 33 Linux.

Thanks in advance for any help!

Thanks for the information with regard to bluetoothctl. So, I try this out and get:

$ sudo bluetoothctl 
Agent registered
[Q1]# devices 
Device EB:15:0C:38:C9:B0 Q1
Device E0:7B:1F:EB:C1:6C LH719
Device A4:C1:1C:F6:02:92 MS1020
[Q1]#  connect EB:15:0C:38:C9:B0
Attempting to connect to EB:15:0C:38:C9:B0
Connection successful

But reading from here: https://budimir.cc/2020/02/27/ble-on-linux-with-bluetoothctl/ it appears that I should get far more information than the above.

However, I added:

[Q1]# menu gatt

Menu gatt:
Available commands:
list-attributes [dev/local]                       List attributes
select-attribute <attribute/UUID>                 Select attribute
attribute-info [attribute/UUID]                   Select attribute
read [offset]                                     Read attribute value
write <data=xx xx ...> [offset] [type]            Write attribute value
acquire-write                                     Acquire Write file descriptor
release-write                                     Release Write file descriptor
acquire-notify                                    Acquire Notify file descriptor
release-notify                                    Release Notify file descriptor
notify <on/off>                                   Notify attribute value
clone [dev/attribute/UUID]                        Clone a device or attribute
register-application [UUID ...]                   Register profile to connect
unregister-application                            Unregister profile
register-service <UUID> [handle]                  Register application service.
unregister-service <UUID/object>                  Unregister application service
register-includes <UUID> [handle]                 Register as Included service in.
unregister-includes <Service-UUID><Inc-UUID>      Unregister Included service.
register-characteristic <UUID> <Flags=read,write,notify...> [handle] Register application characteristic
unregister-characteristic <UUID/object>           Unregister application characteristic
register-descriptor <UUID> <Flags=read,write...> [handle] Register application descriptor
unregister-descriptor <UUID/object>               Unregister application descriptor
back                                              Return to main menu
version                                           Display version
quit                                              Quit program
exit                                              Quit program
help                                              Display help about this program
export                                            Print environment variables

and do seem to get a list of services (which I will now investigate):

[Q1]# list-attributes 
Primary Service (Handle 0x0100)
    Tencent Holdings Limited.
Characteristic (Handle 0x7da4)
    Intrepid Control Systems, Inc.
Descriptor (Handle 0x0015)
    Client Characteristic Configuration
Characteristic (Handle 0x9248)
    Intrepid Control Systems, Inc.
Descriptor (Handle 0x0015)
    Client Characteristic Configuration
Characteristic (Handle 0xaf18)
    Apple, Inc.
Descriptor (Handle 0x0015)
    Client Characteristic Configuration
Primary Service (Handle 0x9d80)
    Nordic UART Service
Characteristic (Handle 0xd894)
    Nordic UART TX
Characteristic (Handle 0xd894)
    Nordic UART RX
Descriptor (Handle 0x0015)
    Client Characteristic Configuration
Primary Service (Handle 0x9d80)
    Generic Attribute Profile
Characteristic (Handle 0xff84)
    Service Changed
Descriptor (Handle 0x0015)
    Client Characteristic Configuration

There are 1 best solutions below


hcitool and gatttool were some of the tools that were deprecated by the BlueZ project in 2017. If you are following a tutorial that uses them, there is a chance that it might be out of date. The correct tool to be using now is bluetoothctl.

If you are new to Bluetooth then using a generic Bluetooth Low Energy scanning and exploration tool like nRF Connect might be more helpful to understand what is going on. Reading up on how BLE GATT services work will help with the service > Characteristics information.

Once you can read and write with the characteristics, your next challenge will be to work out what the binary data that is being sent/received means as it looks like they are using a lot of custom characteristics.