Healthcare API (Ruby client) returning null

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I'm trying to fetch a Patient from the FHIR store via the Ruby client and it always returns null.

I am successful when querying via CURL. Here is the CURL command I'm running (full path redacted):

curl -X GET \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth application-default print-access-token)" \

This returns the proper FHIR Patient resource.

My Ruby code looks like:

require 'google/apis/healthcare_v1'
require 'googleauth'

service =

scope = ''
service.authorization = Google::Auth::ServiceAccountCredentials.make_creds(
  scope: scope

project_id = REDACTED
location = REDACTED
dataset_id = REDACTED
fhir_store_id = REDACTED
resource_type = 'Patient'
patient_id = REDACTED

name = "projects/#{project_id}/locations/#{location}/datasets/#{dataset_id}/fhirStores/#{fhir_store_id}/fhir/Patient/#{patient_id}"
response = service.read_project_location_dataset_fhir_store_fhir(name)
puts response.to_json

I'm not getting any authentication errors. The CURL example returns the appropriate result, while the Ruby client example returns null.

Any ideas?


There are 1 best solutions below


The Ruby library automatically tries to parse the response as JSON. Since the responses from the Healthcare API (or any FHIR server) is Content-Type: application/fhir+json, this isn't recognized by the Ruby library, and it just returns nil for the parsed response.

I got this to work by using the skip_deserialization option for the API call (docs), so instead you should try

require 'json'

name = "projects/#{project_id}/locations/#{location}/datasets/#{dataset_id}/fhirStores/#{fhir_store_id}/fhir/Patient/#{patient_id}"
response = service.read_project_location_dataset_fhir_store_fhir(name, options: {
  skip_deserialization: true,

patient = JSON.parse(response)

You would actually have to parse the response yourself anyways, because the Ruby response type for these calls is Google::Apis::HealthcareV1::HttpBody, which is essentially just a wrapper around a raw JSON object.