How do I run a python script that is in my main directory with Heroku scheduler?
Normally I run this through the command line with Heroku run python "", but this syntax is clearly not correct for the Heroku Scheduler. Where it says "rake do_something" what should the correct syntax be to run a python script here? I've tried "python" and this does not work either.
The Heroku Scheduler will try to run any command you give it. For Python, if you added a to your app repo, you could have the Scheduler run:
Instead of waiting for the Scheduler to run to see if the command works as expected, you can also test run it like this:
Another way to use the Scheduler would be to extend your app with a cli tool or a script runner that shares the app context. A popular one for Flask is Flask-Script.
Note: the "rake" references in the Heroku Scheduler docs example is for running tasks with ruby.