hhvm and cron job hanging for ever

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how to call hhvm in cron jobs ?

In crontab I added given below line

*/30 07-22 * * * /usr/bin/hhvm  /var/www/cronjob.php

when i do ps aux | grep cron | grep -v grep

root       960  0.0  0.0  25804  1140 ?        Ss   12:30   0:00 cron

ubuntu    3926  0.0  0.0   4440   624 ?        Ss   15:30   0:00 /bin/sh -c /usr/bin/hhvm   /var/www/cronjob.php

ubuntu    3928 92.6  1.8 590156 71420 ?        R    15:30   0:43 /usr/bin/hhvm  /var/www/cronjob.php

why there were two entries and its hanging for ever ? please help me to understand and fix the issue


There are 1 best solutions below


Due to data volume it took long time to finish the job, no issues actually