Hibernate ResultTransformer with addEntity - what's the correct syntax?

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Consider the following query:

"SELECT a.code as code,{locFrom.*} " +
"FROM audit.auditlogrecord a " +
"LEFT OUTER JOIN iwrs.location locFrom on locFrom.id=old_value "

I want to map the result to this class:

public class MovementHistoryImpl implements MovementHistory {

private String code;
private String user;
private Date date;
private Location locFrom;

I have no problems getting a List with only scalar properties:

        List list = currentSession().createSQLQuery(query)

However, when I want to inject into the locFrom property of MovementHistoryImpl, adding


does not work: the resulting MovementHistoryImpl item has null value for locFrom.

I have inspected without the resultTransformer (ie, returning a List) and I do get a valid (and expected) LocationImpl object. My questions are:

1) How can one populate the MovementHistoryImpl correctly? 2) Does it work if your MovementHistoryImpl property is named differently (initially I had Location from, instead of locFrom 3) Is it possible to fetch only one property of Location - in reality I'm not interested in locFrom.*, but only locFrom.name, so I wouldn't mind my locFrom object in MovementHistoryImpl to only have the "name" property populated.


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