Hibernate Validator : Custom Meassages

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i have a java project and use a custom hibernate validator in that. According to Hibernate Docs , custom error messages should be defined as key-value in ValidateMessages.properties and this file must be created in "classpath" directory. my problem is that classpath is under "target" directory and it will be deleted after clean-build the project so the created .properties file will be gone. how it can be solved?

 @Constraint(validatedBy = NCValidator.class)
 public @interface NC {

String message() default "{msg}";

Class<?>[] groups() default {};

Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() default {};}


     ` public class NCValidator implements 
      ConstraintValidator<NC, String> {

     public void initialize(NC constraintAnnotation) {

    public boolean isValid(String string, ConstraintValidatorContext 
    context) {


and use this custom validator in a class like this:

  default public String getNC() {
     return (String) get("nC");

There are 1 best solutions below


Put your .properties file under your resources folder or anywhere in your system and point to it.