Hosting my own Google Analytics solution

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I want to collect, store et report tracking datas (like used features, clicked buttons, ...) using javascript library and .net API. I know Google Analytics will be perfect for this. But my direction doesn't want to use it for privacy and security reasons. So i have to develop one or use an all-in-one package (piwik maybe).

Do you have any tips for me ?



There are 1 best solutions below


You could use ID's these are allowed to use as long as google cannot identify the user behind it, so a system which uses the id's in GA to obtain more information about a user can be very useful solution.

Since your direction does not want to use GA you could create it yourself. It has been done at my company for certain situations.

I will not do your homework but the concept of it is :

Send calls to a homemade webservice (json format is pretty good for this), create the service so it can interpret the json and put the raw data in a temporary Database. Do data checks , merges with backend data and possible conversions and store everything in a database from where you will make your reports.