Hot to debug playwright-dotnet tests with Microsoft.AspNetCore.TestHost

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I'm trying to run Playwright locally by using debugging from xUnit and AspNetCore.TestHost and even if when I call the API endpoints the calls are successfully the SPA page is not loaded.

Are there any changes that I should do more to WebApplicationFactory ?

So far I've tried this approach :


public class CustomWebApplicationFactory : WebApplicationFactory<Startup>
        protected override IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder()
            return new HostBuilder()
                .ConfigureHostConfiguration(config =>
                    // Make UseStaticWebAssets work
                    var applicationPath = typeof(Startup).Assembly.Location;
                    var applicationDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(applicationPath);
                    var name = Path.ChangeExtension(applicationPath, ".StaticWebAssets.xml");

                    var inMemoryConfiguration = new Dictionary<string, string>
                        [WebHostDefaults.StaticWebAssetsKey] = name,

                .ConfigureWebHost(webHostBuilder => webHostBuilder


public class PlaywrightFixture
        public PlaywrightFixture()
            this.Playwright = Microsoft.Playwright.Playwright.CreateAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult();

            var options = new BrowserTypeLaunchOptions
                Headless = false,

            this.Browser = this.Playwright.Chromium.LaunchAsync(options).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

        private IPlaywright Playwright { get; set; }

        public IBrowser Browser { get; private set; }


public class UnitTest1 : IClassFixture<CustomWebApplicationFactory>, IClassFixture<PlaywrightFixture>
        private readonly HttpClient _client;
        private readonly PlaywrightFixture _playwrightFixture;
        private readonly CustomWebApplicationFactory _factory;

        public UnitTest1(CustomWebApplicationFactory factory, PlaywrightFixture playwrightFixture)
            _client = factory?.CreateClient() ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(factory));
            _factory = factory ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(factory));

            _playwrightFixture = playwrightFixture ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(playwrightFixture));

        public async Task Test1()

            var apiCallSimulation = await _client.GetAsync(@"\WeatherForecast");
            var contentResult = await apiCallSimulation.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            var page = await _playwrightFixture.Browser.NewPageAsync();
            var result = await page.GotoAsync($"https://localhost:5001");

The apiCallSimulation receives a 200 and the call is made to the controller but If I try to access the link I'm unable to do it.

Is there a way to achieve to run test locally ?? I know there is the solution to start manually the project and give the url, but I would like to do it as it goes with integration tests.

I have in mind one more idea to use Pragma marks and if is in Development to run dotnet .dll but then I might have an issue with Azure DevOps with CI/CD


There are 1 best solutions below


I'm not sure if the TestServer is really a 'server' listening on a port or just in memory access to server without the tcp/ip part. If so, you don't have how to make playrigth use the same specific http client made for the in-memory server, because the httpclient and TestServer are using fake objects instead of real network one to provide fast tests