How can I add a packr step to a maven build script?

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I'm trying to adjust my build procedure to produce a standalone executable. There are a few tools that do this and Packr seems like the perfect one. Also as far as I can tell it is officially supported my maven.

After spending roughly an epoch of googlin' I haven't had any luck finding a simple maven XML example of a packr build step. Also I'm very new to Maven which makes this more complicated. It seems to me though, that there should be a fairly standard XML block where only a few jar names would need to be changed to get it working.

I'm also working in eclipse and trying to build executables for windows and linux.


Packr in Maven:


There are 3 best solutions below


1.Define profiles in pom.xml , for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X 2.Assuming that I have packr.jar downloaded , just invoke the necessary profile


To obtain your windows distributive, tell maven the desired profile :

clean install -Pwindows-profile

You can see below also the config-windows.json :

  "platform": "windows64",
  "jdk": "C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.8.0_144",
  "executable": "file-sort",
  "classpath": [
  "mainclass": "com.iscorobogaci.fx.FxApplication",
  "output": "../windows64"

Check it out on GitHub :


I have written a maven build plugin that wraps the packr java api. The plugin is built around version 2 of packr.


I couldn't find any maven plugin for this either.

There is version 1.2 of packr in maven central, but bear in mind this is now a fairly old version (

You can use the standard exec-maven-plugin to draw upon the packr 1.2 dependency and then run it (see

The relevant fragment in the pom.xml build file might look something like:

        <!-- -->





If you've already got a <build> and <plugins> section in your pom.xml, then just take the <plugin> bit and put it in there.

The json config file might look something like:

  "platform": "windows",
  "jdk": "",
  "executable": "MyApp",
  "appjar": "target/MyApp-jar-with-dependencies.jar",
  "classpath": [ "MyApp-jar-with-dependencies.jar" ],
  "mainclass": "",
  "outdir": "target/native-windows"

One thing to be aware of, packr 1.2 seems to delete the 'outdir' directory, so be careful to use something other than the 'target' directory.

In case it helps, I personally ended up packaging for windows using launch4j with the launch4j-maven-plugin and packaging for linux/mac using Oracle's standard javapackager tool via the javafx-maven-plugin. I'd link to those two but StackOverflow tells me I don't have enough rep to include more than two links.