How can I change icon inside button on hover using chakra-ui and vanilla-extract?

143 Views Asked by At
  • I am using nextjs13, chakra-ui, and vanilla-extract

Does anyone know how to change icon and text inside button on hover, using chakra-ui and vanilla-extract?

I have a button like this:

<Button >
 <svg width="16" height="18">
  <use xlinkHref={path/to/iconA}></use>
{!isFollowing ? <span>follow</span> : <span>following</span>}

I want to show 'follow' button with icon A if logged in user is not following the user.
I want to show "following" with icon A if logged in user is following the user.

When I hover the button(and logged in user is currently following the user), I want to change button text: from "following" to "unfollow" with red text color and icon: from iconA to iconB.

I could change the text color by adding css to span: <span className={textCss}>following</span>

const textCss = style({

but not sure how to change the text and icon.


There are 3 best solutions below


I solved issue by adding 'isHover' as state variable.

const [isHover, setIsHover] = useState(false);

<Button onMouseEnter={() => setIsHover(true)}
        onMouseLeave={() => setIsHover(false)}>
 <svg width="16" height="18">
  <use xlinkHref={ !isFollowing && isHover? path/to/iconB: path/to/iconA}> 
 {!isFollowing ? <span>follow</span> : <span>following</span>}

You could do the following

import * as styles from './styles.css'
<Button className={styles.button}>
 <svg width="16" height="18">
  <use xlinkHref={isFollowing ? 'path/to/iconA' : 'path/to/iconAB'}></use>
<span className={styles.buttonText}>{isFollowing ? 'unfollow' : 'follow'}</span>

and for your vanilla extract css file you could do something like this

export const button = style({})
export const buttonText = style({
    selectors: {
        `${button}:hover &`: { 
             color: 'red'

Vanilla extract provide some good documentation that can be found here.


If you simply need to change the color of the existing icon, you can change the SVG file to have fill="curentColor" throughout that file, and then using svg:hover { fill: red; } should work for you.