How can I clear Vim's interface of the PyLint marks?

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I've configured python-mode to check manually. So I type :PyLint and it checks my code, showing the "QuickFix" window and some marks at the side. I can subsequently close the QuickFix window by typing :onlyin the other window or so, but how can I clear the side marks?


There are 2 best solutions below


The plugin uses signs to show the lint errors. If you never want to see them

let g:pymode_lint_signs = 0

disables them.

If you want to clear them, AFAICT there's no interface in the plugin for just that. (You could file an enhancement request.) But what should work is clearing all signs of the current buffer:

:sign unplace * buffer=<C-r>=bufnr('')<CR>


:execute 'sign unplace * buffer=' . bufnr('')

PyLint marks are made with signs. (:h :sign)

You can use

:sign unplace *

to remove all the signs in all buffers. This will only be a problem if you want some buffers to keep signs.

If you only want to remove signs in only the current buffer you can use a mapping of Ingo Karkat's answer.

nnoremap <leader>s :execute 'sign unplace * buffer=' . bufnr('')<CR>

Take a look at :h :sign-unplace for other options.