I'm hosted in wpmudev.com with nginx server and i'm using wordpress with Impreza Theme installed. I have all the plugins from wpmudev installed and configured.
When viewing the console with "mywebsite.com/?_ym_debug=1"i get this error.
[Error] XMLHttpRequest cannot load https://mc.yandex.ru/webvisor/93823622?wv-check=3341&wv-type=0&wmode=0&wv-part=9&wv-hit=73998902&page... due to access control checks. (anonymous function) (watch.js:87:317) Promise he (watch.js:176:464) Ln (watch.js:87:82) Ln Hi (watch.js:111:462) (anonymous function) (watch.js:111:106) (anonymous function) (watch.js:110:485)
The tag is installed correctly and i tried Yandex Metrica 1.0 and 2.0B.
Don't know what else to try.
Any help?