I'm kinda new to Java, so haven't yet fully grasped the concept of multithreading.I would like to create a PIDController class that allows me to do this:
ControllerMethods methods = new ControllerMethods()
public long getError(long setpoint)
//get an input
public void setOutput(long value)
//do something
public void isComplete(long setpoint)
return getError() == 0;
PIDController motorPID = new PIDController(setpoint, kp, ki, kd, methods);
//runs the PID controller to completion (methods.isComplete() == true)
//starts the PID controller in a separate thread, allowing
//continual monitoring in the current thread
//do something else
//pause the PID controller, preventing the integral from increasing
else if(condition2)
I've worked out how to calculate the standard PID argorithms, but I can't work out how to provide the asynchronous functionality.
Can anybody tell me how I can achieve a similar API?
You already implemented a
method forPIDController
so you should also implement theRunnable
interface:Now you can start your PIDController asynchonous, by calling:
For synchronization (if needed) you should have a look at the sun concurrency guide.