How can I install the p-rabbitmq service on my local pcfdev?

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I am running the pcfdev v11.2.0 locally on my laptop. When I try to list the marketplace it is empty.

$ cf marketplace
Getting services from marketplace in org cfdev-org / space cfdev-space as admin...

No service offerings found

I understand that I need a service-broker for this but am not sure where I can get one from. Also, once I install/deploy the service broker how can I create a service from it for rabbitmq ?

I did explore the bosh route too and all I could find was the multitenant broker for rabbitmq.

I was able to create a CUPS for my local rabbitmq running on my laptop, but would like to get the standard (ie non-CUPS) service for rabbitmq working. Since this is just for local development, a single node rabbitmq would be fine.

Please advise/suggest some options if you have worked this out already.



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I am a maintainer of CF Dev. Installing additional services is a topic covered in the FAQ.

The only service available is mysql. How do I get access to pivotal apps manager, rabbitmq, redis, spring-cloud-services?

A separate asset is needed. You can download the correct asset for your platform at Then you perform a start with the downloaded asset specified via the -f flag, like so: cf dev start -f ./pcfdev-v*.tgz.