How can I overload methods in Moops?

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I would like to overload some methods in Moops.

I have the tried the following code:

method setIdNum() {
      print "Please enter ID number: ";
      chomp (my $input = <STDIN>);

method setIdNum(Int $num) {

But it errors by saying setIdNum is redefined.


There are 1 best solutions below


If you want multimethods, you have to ask for them explicitly by putting multi in front of the method keyword:

multi method setIdNum() {
  print "Please enter ID number: ";
  chomp (my $input = <STDIN>);

multi method setIdNum(Int $num) {

You may also need to explicitly ask for Kavorka support inside your class declaration:

class Whatever {
    use Kavorka qw( multi method );