I have a front end react app and a backend node/express app. I want to allow a user to upload a csv file, then parse the file and instantiate a model for each row. However, I am somewhat confused about how to do this, since I am used to simply posting to a route in the API, and persisting the thing from the request body. In this case, the thing from the request body is the file, and I don't want to save the file, just the data inside it. How can I parse the file without saving it to the database? I have tried to use multer to process the upload and csv-parse to parse the contents, but I am not sure this makes sense. Nonetheless, here is the code (app/index):
const multer = require('multer');
const upload = multer().single();
const parse = require('csv-parse');
router.post('/distributor/:id/files', (req,res) => {
upload(req, res, function (err) {
if (err) {
console.error("An error occurred when uploading. Please try again. Note
that you may only upload one file at a time, and we only support .csv
console.log("We have received your file")
// router.get('/distributor/:id/files/:id', (req, res) => {
// File
// .forge({id: req.params.id})
// .fetch()
// .then((file) => {
// if (_.isEmpty(file))
// return res.sendStatus(404);
// return parseJson(file)
// })
// .then((jsonData) => {
// for (var i in jsonData) {
// //save instance of model
// }
// })
// .catch((error) => {
// console.error(error);
// return res.sendStatus(500);
// });
// })
// function parseJson(file) {
// var output = [];
// // Create the parser
// var parser = parse({delimiter: ':'});
// // Use the writable stream api
// parser.on('readable', function(){
// while(record = parser.read()){
// output.push(record);
// }
// });
// // Catch any error
// parser.on('error', function(err){
// console.log(err.message);
// });
// parser.end();
// }
I know this doesn't make sense, since I don't actually want to save the file as a model and table in the database, I just want to save each item inside the file, so I know I cannot make a route called '/distributor/:id/files/:id'. But I am lost as to what to do instead. I hope that what I am trying to do is clear! I am fairly new to node, and programming in general, and I have never come across a situation in which I needed to handle file upload.
You can use this node module to parse the csv file. https://www.npmjs.com/package/csvtojson
For example you have file name
in the request object.You will be able to get every row as a json object.