How Can I Pass Params between Tabs in react-navigation 5?

63 Views Asked by At

I have a case, i got a remote notification in payload i have some data I want to pass to a specific screen.


in home screen, I add a listener to listen when notification oped to get the payload well?

now in the payload itself, I got a name to tell me where should i navigate

Like this

username: "oliver"
screenType: "new_chat"
user_id: 21

Now as i say before i have listener when opened notification i check for screenType to decide where i navigate

const onOpened = (openResult) => {
    let {
    } = openResult.notification.payload?.additionalData;

    switch (screenType) {
      case 'new_chat':
        setTimeout(() => {
          navigation.navigate('Messages', {
            screen: 'MessagesListScreen',
            params: {
              from: 'notification',
              userIDWithoutPrefix: user_id,
              userSender: username,
        }, 2000);

When i open the notification its navigate me to MessagesListScreen and it navigates me well

but when i log the params I got undefined!

 React.useEffect(() => {
    const unsubscribe = navigation.addListener('focus', () => {
      console.log('hey focus', route); // key,name well but params undefined
      if (fromScreen === 'notification') {
        console.log('yes if here');
        setTimeout(() => {
          navigation.navigate('ChatScreen', {
            userIDWithoutPrefix: userIDWithoutPrefix,
            userSender: userSender,
        }, 500);
      } else {
        console.log('No go out', route.params); // undefined 

    return unsubscribe;
  }, [navigation]);

Does anyone have an explanation to this case?


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