How can I place data in WOW64's 32 bit registry view from the NT Native API?

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I have an application where I am restricted to using the NtCreateKey / ZwCreateKey function(s). (e.g. in a driver) There is another application I don't control which runs under WOW64, which reads a value from this registry key.

I want to set the registry value such that this application can find it. However, WOW64 is implemented in kernel32 -- so I can't pass the KEY_WOW64_32KEY flag like I can when using RegOpenKeyEx.

The easiest way seems to be to include Wow6432Node in the path passed to ZwCreateKey, but MSDN discourages this:

WOW64 defines the following symbolic links only for compatibility with existing applications that may use hardcoded registry key paths containing Wow6432Node. New applications should avoid using Wow6432Node in registry key paths.

This seems to put me between a rock and a hard place... how can I place data in the 32 bit registry view? The MSDN language says "avoid" -- is this a situation where Wow6432Node is unavoidable?


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