I am new to Web API and need help with the code.
I want to return a boolean
if the date passed is a holiday listed in GetHolidays
or it is Saturday or Sunday
This is my function where I want to check whether a particular date is holiday or not.
public bool IsHoliday(DateTime requesteddate)
HashSet<Holidays> holidays = new HashSet<Holidays>();
string sat = requesteddate.DayOfWeek.ToString();
string sun = requesteddate.DayOfWeek.ToString();
holidays = GetHolidays(requesteddate.Year);
return true;
This is the hashset of holidays that I have calculated for whole year and that works perfectly
public HashSet<Holidays> GetHolidays(int year)
HashSet<Holidays> holidays = new HashSet<Holidays>();
DateTime newYearsDate = AdjustForWeekendHoliday(new DateTime(year, 1, 1).Date);
holidays.Add(new Holidays(newYearsDate, "New Years Day"));
// MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. DAY -- third Monday of January
DateTime martinLutherDay = new DateTime(year, 1, (from day in Enumerable.Range(1, 31) where new DateTime(year, 1, day).DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Monday select day).ElementAt(2));
holidays.Add(new Holidays(martinLutherDay, "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day"));
// PRESIDENT'S DAY -- third Monday of February
DateTime presidentsDay = new DateTime(year, 2, (from day in Enumerable.Range(1, 29) where new DateTime(year, 2, day).DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Monday select day).ElementAt(2));
holidays.Add(new Holidays(presidentsDay, "President's Day"));
// MEMORIAL DAY -- last monday in May
DateTime memorialDay = new DateTime(year, 5, 31);
DayOfWeek dayOfWeek = memorialDay.DayOfWeek;
while (dayOfWeek != DayOfWeek.Monday)
memorialDay = memorialDay.AddDays(-1);
dayOfWeek = memorialDay.DayOfWeek;
holidays.Add(new Holidays(memorialDay.Date, "Memorial Day"));
DateTime independenceDay = AdjustForWeekendHoliday(new DateTime(year, 7, 4).Date);
holidays.Add(new Holidays(independenceDay, "Independence Day"));
// LABOR DAY -- 1st Monday in September
DateTime laborDay = new DateTime(year, 9, 1);
dayOfWeek = laborDay.DayOfWeek;
while (dayOfWeek != DayOfWeek.Monday)
laborDay = laborDay.AddDays(1);
dayOfWeek = laborDay.DayOfWeek;
holidays.Add(new Holidays(laborDay.Date, "Labor Day"));
DateTime veteransDay = AdjustForWeekendHoliday(new DateTime(year, 11, 11).Date);
holidays.Add(new Holidays(veteransDay, "Veterans Day"));
// THANKSGIVING DAY - 4th Thursday in November
var thanksgiving = (from day in Enumerable.Range(1, 30) where new DateTime(year, 11, day).DayOfWeek == `DayOfWeek.Thursday select day).ElementAt(3);
DateTime thanksgivingDay = new DateTime(year, 11, thanksgiving);
holidays.Add(new Holidays(thanksgivingDay.Date, "Thanksgiving"));
DateTime dayAfterThankGiving = thanksgivingDay.AddDays(1);
holidays.Add(new Holidays(dayAfterThankGiving, "Day after Thanksgiving"));
DateTime christmasDay = AdjustForWeekendHoliday(new DateTime(year, 12, 25).Date, true);
holidays.Add(new Holidays(christmasDay, "Christmas"));
DateTime christmasEve = christmasDay.AddDays(-1);
holidays.Add(new Holidays(christmasEve, "Christmas"));
return holidays;
Here is the IHTTP action in the controller
public IHttpActionResult IsHoliday(DateTime requesteddate)
var isHoliday = _dateService.IsHoliday(requesteddate);
return Content(HttpStatusCode.OK, isHoliday);
catch (Exception exception)
return BadRequest(exception.Message);
class implementGetHashCode
by just comparing date portion of the class than just checking forContains
will work:If
class does not implementGetHashCode
pair at all (fix code - Why is it important to override GetHashCode when Equals method is overridden?) or the class actually compares all fields in these two methods than you need to iterate through all items and compare date manually:I personally would use
Dictionary<DateTime, Holiday>
instead ofHashSet
as it would be more obvious that that looking up by date withContainsKey
will find if date is in the collection.Side note:
is very strange name for single item - normally plural nouns imply collections.