How can I send Drush commands to Pantheon

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I am trying to migrate my drupal 7 siteto drupal 8 site that resides on pantheon. For this purpose I have installed 3 migration modules as described in the docs. I have added my drush aliases in drush directory and I can see all my sites available:

enter image description here

I am using this drush commands to migrate my data to drupal 8 site on pantheon:

drush drush migrate-upgrade --configure-only

But when I execute this I get the following error:

enter image description here

My drush version is: 8.3.1


There are 1 best solutions below


I prefer using terminus, terminus drush [] -- drush_command. Where site-name and site-env are your pantheon values.

Here is what that looks like for migration-tools drush commmands on a site name "foo" with an environment "bar":

terminus drush -- ms
terminus drush -- mim --tag=terms

Notice the use of --, this allows you to pass options to the drush command.