How can I set up Teamcity to Email out a Release note?

6.3k Views Asked by At

I have a TeamCity server that builds my application and a YouTrack instance set up to track my feature requests/bugs. I have the TeamCity/YouTrack integration setup so the Issue log correctly fills out in TeamCity with the Items that have been closed in YouTrack since the last successful build. How can I set up TeamCity to email a user a nicely formatted email that contains this list of Issues?


There are 1 best solutions below


this answer has been adopted from here

  • Open TeamCity in your browser.
  • Browse to Administration > User Management- Groups > All Users
  • Select the tab Notification Rules (you see the Email notifier rules by default)
  • Click on Add new rule
  • Select Builds from the selected build configuration and choose the builds you want notifications for
  • On the right hand side where it says Send notification when tick Build is successful
  • press Save

You should now get an email which has a summary of the changes, eg

Build Compilation :: myproject #2.0. successful (Tests passed: 1288)

Agent: buildagent-01

Changes included: 1 change.

Change 02b88b1b1345 by wturner (1 file): bug1 fixed