How can I use the new Slick 2.0 HList to overcome 22 column limit?

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I'm currently writing Slick code to target an old schema with two tables > 22 columns. How do I use the new HList code? I've got 2.0-M3 working fine in other respects under Scala 2.10.3. Here's the syntax I'm currently using with case classes / tuples. What would I do to use the new HLists mentioned in the docs?

  case class Joiner(
      id: Int,
      name: Option[String],
      contact: Option[String]

  class Joiners(tag: Tag) extends Table[Joiner](tag, "joiner") {
    def id = column[Int]("id", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc, O.DBType("int(11)"))
    def name = column[Option[String]]("name", O.DBType("varchar(255)"))
    def contact = column[Option[String]]("contact", O.DBType("text"))
    def * = (id, name.?, contact.?) <> (Joiner.tupled, Joiner.unapply)
  val joiners = TableQuery[Joiners]

I don't see any in the examples and only a brief mention in the newly updated docs. I'm new to Scala as well as Slick.


There are 2 best solutions below



With Scala >= 2.10.4-RC2 (also emitted by the Slick 2.0.0 code generator):

import scala.slick.collection.heterogenous._
import syntax._
class Joiners(tag: Tag) extends Table[
    Int :: Option[String] :: Option[String] :: HNil
](tag, "joiner") {
  def * = id :: name :: contact :: HNil

The above leads to exponential compilation times in Scala 2.10.3 / 2.10.4-RC1. Not feasible for more than 26 columns due to extremely long compilation.

Workaround for Scala <= 2.10.3 / 2.10.4-RC1 (also emitted by the Slick 2.0.1 code generator)

import scala.slick.collection.heterogenous._
import syntax._
class Joiners(tag: Tag) extends Table[
    HCons[Int, HCons[Option[String], HCons[Option[String], HNil]]]
](tag, "joiner") {
  def * = id :: name :: contact :: HNil

Tested by us with 30-40 columns without problems.

There currently still seem to be a problem with occasional sporadic compilation errors in Scala 2.10.4-RC2, which looks like it will be fixed in the upcoming 2.10.4-RC3. See

Example usage r => r(2) ) // Gets column contact. It's typesafe. .apply is a macro. Only works for literals not for variables as positions.

Use tuples for < 22 to be able to map them to a case class. Use HLists for > 22 without mapping to a case class (max field limit in Scala 2.10 is 22).

Also: Do NOT use O.Nullable. Use column[Option[String]] instead. It infers nullability.


This code is to demonstrate the performance problem still affecting the compiler (it simply get stuck) in Scala v2.10.4_RC1 when the number of columns exceeds 26

import java.sql.Timestamp
import scala.slick.driver.MySQLDriver.simple._
import scala.slick.collection.heterogenous._
// **** Uncomment this ****
//import scala.slick.collection.heterogenous.syntax._  

object DealSlick {

    class Deals(tag: Tag) extends Table[
      Long :: String :: String :: Option[String] :: Option[String] :: Option[String] ::
      // urlKeywords
      Option[String] :: Option[String] :: Option[String] :: Option[String] :: Option[String] ::
      // extTags
      Option[String] :: Option[String] :: Option[String] :: Option[String] :: Option[String] :: 
      // currency
      Option[String] :: Option[String] :: 
      // price
      Option[Double] :: Option[Double] :: Option[Double] :: Option[Double] ::
      // extStatus
      Option[String] :: Option[String] :: Option[Int] :: Option[Int] ::

     /* If you add more columns the compiler get stuck in a never-ending
      * compilation possibly related to 

     // endAt
     Option[Timestamp] :: /*Option[Timestamp] :: Option[Timestamp] :: Option[Timestamp] ::
     // timeZoneOffset
     Option[Int] :: Option[String] :: Option[Timestamp] :: Option[String] ::
     // locationName
     Option[String] :: Option[String] :: Option[String] :: Option[String] ::
     // city
     Option[String] :: Option[String] :: Option[String] :: Option[String] :: Option[String] :: 
     // latitude
     Option[Double] :: Option[Double] :: 
     // merchantTitle
     Option[String] :: */
     // End of list
     ](tag, "deal") {
     def                id = column[Long]("id", O.PrimaryKey)
     def          siteName = column[String]("partner_site_name", O.NotNull)
     def        siteDomain = column[String]("partner_site_domain", O.NotNull)
     def    localeLanguage = column[Option[String]]("deal_language") 
     def     localeCountry = column[Option[String]]("deal_country") 
     def             extId = column[Option[String]]("deal_ext_id") 
     def       urlKeywords = column[Option[String]]("deal_url_keywords") 
     def          keywords = column[Option[String]]("deal_keywords") 
     def     extCategories = column[Option[String]]("deal_ext_categories") 
     def      categoryText = column[Option[String]]("deal_category_text") 
     def          coverage = column[Option[String]]("deal_coverage") 
     def           extTags = column[Option[String]]("deal_ext_tags") 
     def             title = column[Option[String]]("deal_title") 
     def       description = column[Option[String]]("deal_description")
     def          extImage = column[Option[String]]("deal_ext_image") 
     def               url = column[Option[String]]("deal_url") 
     def          currency = column[Option[String]]("deal_currency") 
     def       currencySym = column[Option[String]]("deal_currency_sym") 
     def             price = column[Option[Double]]("deal_price") 
     def            saving = column[Option[Double]]("deal_saving") 
     def          discount = column[Option[Double]]("deal_discount") 
     def            dvalue = column[Option[Double]]("deal_value") 
     def         extStatus = column[Option[String]]("deal_ext_status") 
     def            status = column[Option[String]]("deal_status") 
     def           soldQty = column[Option[Int]]("deal_sold_qty") 
     def           leftQty = column[Option[Int]]("deal_left_qty") 
     def             endAt = column[Option[Timestamp]]("deal_end_at") 
 /*    def          endAtUtc = column[Option[Timestamp]]("deal_end_at_utc") 
     def         expiresAt = column[Option[Timestamp]]("deal_expires_at") 
     def      expiresAtUtc = column[Option[Timestamp]]("deal_expires_at_utc") 
     def    timeZoneOffset = column[Option[Int]]("time_zone_offset") 
     def      timeZoneName = column[Option[String]]("time_zone_name")
     def       timeGrabbed = column[Option[Timestamp]]("time_grabbed") 
     def  timeRemainingStr = column[Option[String]]("time_remaining_str") 
     def      locationName = column[Option[String]]("location_name")
     def           address = column[Option[String]]("location_address") 
     def            street = column[Option[String]]("location_street") 
     def        postalCode = column[Option[String]]("location_postalcode")
     def              city = column[Option[String]]("location_city") 
     def          province = column[Option[String]]("location_province") 
     def            region = column[Option[String]]("location_region") 
     def             state = column[Option[String]]("location_state") 
     def           country = column[Option[String]]("location_country") 
     def          latitude = column[Option[Double]]("location_latitude") 
     def         longitude = column[Option[Double]]("location_longitude") 
     def     merchantTitle = column[Option[String]]("merchant_title") 

def * = (id :: siteName :: siteDomain :: localeLanguage :: localeCountry :: extId :: 
         urlKeywords :: keywords :: extCategories :: categoryText :: coverage :: 
         extTags :: title :: description :: extImage :: url ::
         currency :: currencySym :: price :: saving :: discount :: dvalue ::
         extStatus :: status :: soldQty :: leftQty ::
         endAt :: /*endAtUtc :: expiresAt :: expiresAtUtc ::
         timeZoneOffset :: timeZoneName :: timeGrabbed :: timeRemainingStr ::
         locationName :: address :: street :: postalCode :: 
         city :: province :: region :: state :: country ::
         latitude :: longitude ::
         merchantTitle :: */
         HNil )  


** UPDATE **

After updating to Scala 2.10.4-RC2, the compiler goes few steps further in the compilation process, but it get stuck again:

Here's the compiler output when defining only few table columns

[info] [loaded class file /Users/max/.ivy2/cache/com.typesafe.slick/slick_2.10/jars/slick_2.10-2.0.0.jar(scala/slick/backend/DatabaseComponent.class) in 1ms]

[info] [loaded class file /Users/max/.ivy2/cache/com.typesafe.slick/slick_2.10/jars/slick_2.10-2.0.0.jar(scala/slick/lifted/ShapedValue.class) in 2ms]

[info] [loaded package loader util in 2ms] This output never get printed on the screen when using more then 26 columns