How can we import shapes (dash) for SHACL validation in Apache Jena?

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How can we import shapes for SHACL validation in Apache Jena?

I am trying to use the DASH ( shapes vocabulary to validate an ontology in Jena. The code is quite simple:

        String SHAPES = """
                @prefix : <> .
                @prefix sh: <> .
                @prefix rdf: <> .
                @prefix owl: <> .
                @prefix rdfs: <> .
                @prefix dash: <> .
                <> a owl:Ontology ;
                  owl:imports <> .
                :person a sh:NodeShape ; a rdfs:Class ;
                  dash:closedByTypes true ;
                  sh:ignoredProperties (
                  ) ;
                  sh:property [
                    sh:path :name ;

        String DATA = """
                @prefix : <> .
                @prefix xsd: <> .
                :person-1 a :person ;
                  :name "John"^^xsd:string ;

RDFParser shapesTurtleParser = RDFParser.source(new ByteArrayInputStream(SHAPES.toString().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)))

Graph shapesGraph = shapesTurtleParser.toGraph();

// If I don't put this line, the validation pass. 
shapesGraph = Imports.withImports(shapesGraph);

RDFParser dataTurtleParser = RDFParser.source(new ByteArrayInputStream(DATA.toString().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)))

Graph dataGraph = dataTurtleParser.toGraph();

ValidationReport report = ShaclValidator.get().validate(shapesGraph, dataGraph);
RDFDataMgr.write(System.out, report.getModel(), Lang.TTL);

Here is the result from the validation:

@prefix :     <> .
@prefix dash: <> .
@prefix owl:  <> .
@prefix rdf:  <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix sh:   <> .
@prefix tosh: <> .
@prefix xsd:  <> .

[ rdf:type     sh:ValidationReport;
  sh:conforms  false;
  sh:result    [ rdf:type                      sh:ValidationResult;
                 sh:focusNode                  :person-1;
                 sh:resultMessage              "Property <> is not among those permitted for any of the types";
                 sh:resultPath                 :name;
                 sh:resultSeverity             sh:Violation;
                 sh:sourceConstraintComponent  dash:ClosedByTypesConstraintComponent;
                 sh:sourceShape                :person;
                 sh:value                      "John"
] .

I get un unexpected validation error: sh:ClosedConstraintComponent which I should not have since the property (:name) is declared in the shape itself.

What do I miss or do incorrectly in my SHACL validation?


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