This image show List of Added items in the CartList, pressing the "--" or "+" does not reflect on the UI This second image shows the quantity of the same Item after I manually rebuild the UI**Say I have two Lists: ** List of Products from API List A []; Empty CartList where products from List A above can be added to CartList once and increment the quantity if it has already existed in the CartList; Example 1: List of items from the API [productA, productB, productC....]; 2. Add an element from a list in 1 above if it does not exist in CartList before:- CartList = [productA]; 3. If it already exist in CartList increase the quantity only and make it Single instance in the CartList like this: CartList = [productA(1),productB(5)...]; This code works fine but it doesn't update the UI except if I leave the page and open it again which not what I want. This is the code below:

//This Code add the product to the CartList

    builder: (BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref, Widget? child) {
      return DefaultButton(
        onTap: () {
            const MyCartScreen(),
        text: "Add to cart",

//This increase the count quantity of the product in the CartList

      count: "$productCount",
      productDecrement: () {
      productIncrement: () {

//This the StateNotifier

class CartList extends StateNotifier<List<CartItemModel>> {
 CartList() : super([]);

//Add Product to Cart
  void addToCart(Product product) {
    // check it product is int the list
    final isInList = state
        .where((element) => element.product!.sId == product.sId).isNotEmpty;
    if (isInList) {
      final p =
          state.where((element) => element.product!.sId == product.sId).first;
      p.quantity += 1;
      // final count = state.where((element) => element.product!.sId == product.sId).length;
      // final p = state.where((element) => element.product!.sId == product.sId).first;
      // p.quantity = count;
      final index = state.indexOf(p);
      final items = state;
      items[index] = p;
      state = items;
    } else {
      state = [...state, CartItemModel(product: product)];

void removeFromCart(int index) {
    // check it product is int the list
    final item = state[index];
    if (item.quantity == 1) {
      // remove it from the list of cart items
      state = state
          .where((element) => element.product!.sId != item.product!.sId)
    } else {
      item.quantity -= 1;
      state[index] = item;


final cartProvider = StateNotifierProvider<CartList, List<CartItemModel>>(
  (ref) => CartList(),

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