How do I add two curve25519 points

699 Views Asked by At

I have two points ([32]byte) on curve25519. How do I add them (a + b). I obviously can't do it using big.Int, since they aren't numbers but points on the curve. I haven't found so far any library to do something similar to what I can do using edwards25519:

a := [32]byte // I get that from another function
b := [32]byte // also from another function
pointA, _ := new(edwards25519.Point).SetBytes(a)
pointB, _ := new(edwards25519.Point).SetBytes(b)
pointC := pointA.Add(pointA, pointB)


I already tried using this and converting the result to the montgomery curve using &edwards25519.Point{}.BytesMontgomery(), but I was not able to import neither a nor b into the edwards25519 curve, since they are points on the curve25519.


There are 1 best solutions below


You can use libsodium to achieve this with two steps.

  1. Start with Edwards25519/Ed25519 keys, generate two public keys/points, then call crypto_core_ed25519_add (documentation).

  2. Covert the resultant to curve25519 using crypto_sign_ed25519_pk_to_curve25519 via birational map (documentation).

There are bindings for Go. You need to be careful and not use some "random" lib, this stuff is hard to get right and hard to do in constant time (avoid side channels).

RFC 7748 provides the formulas to map (x, y) Ed25519 Edwards points to (u, v) Curve25519 Montgomery points and vice versa.

The birational maps are:

 (u, v) = ((1+y)/(1-y), sqrt(-486664)*u/x)
 (x, y) = (sqrt(-486664)*u/v, (u-1)/(u+1))