How do I add validation to text area in oracle apex

494 Views Asked by At

I am feed up with this Oracle APEX application , their is no proper videos or documentation

I have a Text area field and button

On button click I have written a PL/SQL code to send mail

Is their any way I can populate error / success message on screen

If text area is empty does not have any data then display error message on screen as Text area field is empty

My code :

    if (:textarea1 is not null ) then
           APEX_MAIL.SEND(p_from => '[email protected]',
                   p_to   => '[email protected]',
                   p_subj => 'Email from Oracle Autonomous Database',
                   p_body => 'Sent using APEX_MAIL');
               --popup error message on my screen -> `textarea` filed cannot be empty 
    end if;   

The following package of ADD_ERROR.ADD_ERROR does not exist at my end


There are 1 best solutions below


If text area is empty does not have any data then display error message on screen

You don't need your own validation for that; just set that item's Value required property ON.

Additionally, you can even set process' Server side condition to

  • When button pressed: pick the button you use to send an e-mail
  • Type: Item is not null; pick the text area item

You commented that it isn't working. Well, it is. If it doesn't for you, then you did something wrong (although, I can't imagine what would that be, regarding the fact that it is just one property you had to set).

So: if I leave the text area empty and push the button, error message is here:

enter image description here

As of a video with demonstration: I don't have any. Google for it, if you desperately need it.