How do I add wall avoidance to my robocode code?

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I am programming a robot that runs in Robocode. My code currently works, and my tank runs just like I want it to run and move. The only problem is that it runs into the wall several times a battle and I lose health every time that occurs.

I have tried to compare my subject's position using getX() and getY() against the length and width of my grid, getBattleFieldWidth() and getBattleFieldHeight(), in the run() method however, that does not seem to work. I also tried putting this code in my onScannedRobot() method and that did not work as well. I have attempted to, as my subject approaches 50 units away form each side of the wall, to change the direction of my subject to being parallel to the wall. However, that has yet to work. I have also tried to do the same thing but reverse the direction of my subject, but that does not work either. I have tried this all in both the run() and onScannedRobot() methods and have yet to succeed.

I have attempted to use the algorithms described in the RoboWiki Wall Smoothing/Implementations page: Simple Iterative Wall Smoothing (by PEZ), Fast Wall Smoothing (by Voidious), Non-Iterative Wall Smoothing (by David Alves), and Non-Iterative Wall Hugging (by Simonton), and have yet to prevail.

I am using Robocode Version to run this code.

How do I add wall avoidance, or preferably wall smoothing, to my code? Here is my code:

package stephen.tanks;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import robocode.*;
import robocode.util.Utils;

public class AimmaKickeraskTank extends AdvancedRobot {
    static int currentEnemyVelocity;
    static int aimingEnemyVelocity;
    double velocityToAimAt;
    boolean fired;
    Rectangle grid = new Rectangle(0, 0, 800, 600);
    double oldTime;
    int count;
    int averageCount;
    static double enemyVelocities[][] = new double[400][4];
    static double turn = 2;
    int turnDir = 1;
    int moveDir = 1;
    double oldEnemyHeading;
    double oldEnergy = 100;

    public void run() {

        while (true) {

    public void onScannedRobot(ScannedRobotEvent e) {
        double absBearing = e.getBearingRadians() + getHeadingRadians();
        Graphics2D g = getGraphics();
        turn += 0.2 * Math.random();
        if (turn > 8) {
            turn = 2;

        if(oldEnergy - e.getEnergy() <= 3 && oldEnergy - e.getEnergy() >= 0.1) {
            if (Math.random() > .5) {
                turnDir *= -1;
            if(Math.random() > .8) {
                moveDir *= -1;

        setMaxVelocity(12 - turn);
        setAhead(90 * moveDir);
        setTurnLeft(90 * turnDir);
        oldEnergy = e.getEnergy();

        if (e.getVelocity() < -2) {
            currentEnemyVelocity = 0;
        else if (e.getVelocity() > 2) {
            currentEnemyVelocity = 1;
        else if (e.getVelocity() <= 2 && e.getVelocity() >= -2) {
            if (currentEnemyVelocity == 0) {
                currentEnemyVelocity = 2;
            else if (currentEnemyVelocity == 1) {
                    currentEnemyVelocity = 3;
        if (getTime() - oldTime > e.getDistance() / 12.8 && fired == true) {
        else {
            fired = false;

        enemyVelocities[count][aimingEnemyVelocity] = e.getVelocity();

        if(count==400) {

        averageCount = 0;
        velocityToAimAt = 0;

        while(averageCount < 400) {
            velocityToAimAt += enemyVelocities[averageCount][currentEnemyVelocity];

        velocityToAimAt /= 400;

        double bulletPower = Math.min(2.4, Math.min(e.getEnergy()/3.5, getEnergy()/9));
        double myX = getX();
        double myY = getY();
        double enemyX = getX() + e.getDistance() * Math.sin(absBearing);
        double enemyY = getY() + e.getDistance() * Math.cos(absBearing);
        double enemyHeading = e.getHeadingRadians();
        double enemyHeadingChange = enemyHeading - oldEnemyHeading;
        oldEnemyHeading = enemyHeading;
        double deltaTime = 0;
        double battleFieldHeight = getBattleFieldHeight();
        double battleFieldWidth = getBattleFieldWidth();
        double predictedX = enemyX, predictedY = enemyY;

        while ((++deltaTime) * (20.0 - 3.0 * bulletPower) < Point2D.Double.distance( myX, myY, predictedX, predictedY)) {      
            predictedX += Math.sin(enemyHeading) * velocityToAimAt;
            predictedY += Math.cos(enemyHeading) * velocityToAimAt;
            enemyHeading += enemyHeadingChange;
            g.fillOval((int)predictedX - 2,(int)predictedY - 2, 4, 4);

            if (predictedX < 18.0 || predictedY < 18.0 || predictedX > battleFieldWidth - 18.0 || predictedY > battleFieldHeight - 18.0) {   
                predictedX = Math.min(Math.max(18.0, predictedX), battleFieldWidth - 18.0); 
                predictedY = Math.min(Math.max(18.0, predictedY), battleFieldHeight - 18.0);

        double theta = Utils.normalAbsoluteAngle(Math.atan2(predictedX - getX(), predictedY - getY()));
        setTurnRadarRightRadians(Utils.normalRelativeAngle(absBearing - getRadarHeadingRadians()) * 2);
        setTurnGunRightRadians(Utils.normalRelativeAngle(theta - getGunHeadingRadians()));

        if(getGunHeat() == 0) {
            fired = true;

There are 1 best solutions below


Detect when your robot will hit a wall soon, and alter your course (or drive backwards) if that's the case?

For detecting nearby walls, you might want to check your robots current position with getX(), getY(), compare this to the height and width of the arena getBattlefieldWidth(), getBattlefieldHeight().

To find out whether you are driving towards the wall, you can check getHeading() and the sign of getVelocity().

(If you want a more specific answer, try pointing out which aspect of the problem you are having trouble with.)