How do I ensure that my AutoResetEvent methods are called in the right order?

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I have some code that needs to run a Timer. The Timer checks for a condition and, based on the result, signals to the caller that it can continue. Here's my pseudocode:

class MyClass
    private AutoResetEvent _reset;
    private System.Threading.Timer _timer;

    public void Run()
        this._reset = new AutoResetEvent(false);
        this._timer = new System.Threading.Timer(this.TimerStep, null, 0, 1000);

        this._reset.WaitOne(); //wait for condition() to be true


    private void TimerStep(object arg)
            this._reset.Set(); //should happen after the _reset.WaitOne() call

My concern has to do with how I'm instantiating the Timer. If I start it with a 0 dueTime, the comments say that the timer will start immediately. What happens if the calling thread gets preempted by the timer and the this._reset.Set() call happens before the calling thread has a chance to call this._reset.WaitOne()? Is this something I have to worry about? So far in my testing the code works like I'd expect.

Note that I set up the code in this way because I want to block the Run() function until condition() is true, but I only want to check condition() every second or so.


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