How do I free a boost::mpi::request?

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I'm trying to get MPI to disconnect a communicator, which is a tetchy business - I've put together a demo below. I've got two versions of the same idea, listening for an int, one using MPI_IRecv, and one using a boost::mpi::request.

You'll note when using mpiexec -n 2 on this program that version A will happily disconnect and exit, but version B will not. Is there some trick to MPI_Request_free-ing a boost::mpi::request? That seems to be the difference here. If it matters, I'm using MSVC and MSMPI, and Boost 1.62.

#include "boost/mpi.hpp"
#include "mpi.h"

int main()
    MPI_Init(NULL, NULL);
    MPI_Comm regional;
    MPI_Comm_dup(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &regional);
    boost::mpi::communicator comm = boost::mpi::communicator(regional, boost::mpi::comm_attach);
    if (comm.rank() == 1)
        int q;

        //VERSION A:
//      MPI_Request n;
//      int j = MPI_Irecv(&q, 1, MPI_INT, 1, 0, regional, &n);
//      MPI_Cancel(&n);
//      MPI_Request_free(&n);

        //VERSION B:

//      boost::mpi::request z = comm.irecv<int>(1, 0, q);
//      z.cancel();

    return 0;

Did I find a bug? I doubt I'm deep in the code.


There are 1 best solutions below


Well, it guess it's not a bug if it's documented: MPI_Request_free is unsupported by Boost.MPI.

Now going back to MPI itself:

A call to MPI_CANCEL marks for cancellation a pending, nonblocking communication operation (send or receive). The cancel call is local. It returns immediately, possibly before the communication is actually cancelled. It is still necessary to call MPI_REQUEST_FREE, MPI_WAIT or MPI_TEST (or any of the derived operations) with the cancelled request as argument after the call to MPI_CANCEL. If a communication is marked for cancellation, then a MPI_WAIT call for that communication is guaranteed to return, irrespective of the activities of other processes (i.e., MPI_WAIT behaves as a local function);

That means, just:


and you should be fine.

Now, IMHO this is a bad waste of proper RAII by Boost.MPI.