How do I include Scintilla in an XCode 3.2.5 project?

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I downloaded Scintilla, built and ran ScintillaTest. That worked (almost) fine. Now, I want to include Scintilla in a new project, but can't seem to figure out how to. I tried ctrl-clicking my target and selecting Add Existing Framework..., then Add Other... and finally file located at scite337/scintilla/cocoa/ScintillaFramework/build/Release/Scintilla.framework (obviously I omitted the first part of the path).

After I did this I just added an #import statement in the AppDelegate of my further untouched new project. Upon hitting Cmd+R it says ScintillaView.h: no such file or directory... I thought that if I added the framework to my only target it would pass the location of the header files to the compiler (and preprocessor). Obviously it doesn't, so I assume I'll have to add the paths of the header files (and maybe other files) to the Build Settings, but there are lots of Build Settings, so I don't have a clue where.

If you don't have access to XCode 3.2.x, please leave how you'd do it in a newer version. I've found a lot of information on other XCode matters for higher versions did that work well in XCode 3.2.5 too (with a little bit of searching for menu items and settings panels).


There are 1 best solutions below


By looking at the ScintillaTest XCode project I discovered how it works: you have to import the XCode project called ScintillaFramework, which is the file named ScintillaFramework.xcodeproj (obviously). But that isn't enough, after that XCode still can't find the header files in the framework. I looked at the build settings in the ScintillaTest project and found 'Header Search Paths' set to ../../. Setting this failed in my project, it had to be one directory less back: ../. No I just need to get the compiler to accept the C++ constructs in the Scintilla framework.

Strangely, this stopped working. I do not understand it either. So I just right-clicked my target, from there: add existing framework...->add other...->[browse to ScintillaFramework/build/Release/Scintilla.framework]. This works partially, see my newest question.