How do I Integrate one application’s UI into another?

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I apologize for the length of the question, but I believe it is difficult to understand the “why” without the background.

Background: I have two applications running in a Windows Embedded Standard 7 environment. They should be the only two applications running on the machine. One, called “Controller”, is written in C++ the other, “DBconnector”, is written in c#. This is not new code. It has been in active use and development for almost 20 years.

The purpose of the software is to run a manufacturing machine for producing parts. These machines are big and dangerous if the program crashes. Long ago, I discovered that if the network went down for some reason, all the threads in the application would stall – not just the network thread. This was disastrous since leaving the controller in a state with the wrong relays on in extremely rare circumstances could cause the machine to literally explode. Note: Several things have been added to the software and hardware to prevent this now. While this danger doesn’t really exist anymore, stability is still extremely important. I never want the operator to be stuck in a state where they can’t hit the reset button. My solution at the time was to move the networking tasks into a separate application. The OS was windows XP based at the time. I have no idea if the problem still exists in windows 10 since I really don’t want to rewrite hundreds of thousands of lines of code to try and merge the two programs now.

The development of the two programs diverged such that the one that controlled the machine, Controller, was designed for extreme stability and the other, DBconnector, was where dangerous things like networking and most file I/O happened. Communication between the two programs is facilitated using a memory mapped file that they both can access. I have no problem sharing window handles or process id’s or any other data that might be needed between the two programs.

Here is my question. How can I make the Controller application display the GUI of DBconnector? For example, I have started to add functionality to Controller that requires DBconnector to display the quality control sheets that are held on a web site on company servers. I want for an operator to be able to pull up the quality control sheet directly on the machine. The operator currently only interacts with the Controller application. I don’t want Controller to be able to access the network. Also, C# has some tools to make displaying a web page easy. It seems to me that the place to do this is DBconnector. The problem is that DBconnector runs in the background and cannot currently be seen or accessed by a user. So, the question is how to solve this.

First option I have tried is to tell DBconnector to come forward and put Controller in the background. Then, when the user is done, Controller comes back to the front. I have made this to work using some hacks, but it is inconsistent. The trick I used was to minimize and then maximize DBconnector which seems to bring it to the front most of the time and try to hold focus on one or the other. There still might be a way to do it this way, but it needs to be something that is consistent.

The second option is to run the DBconnector application inside of one of Controller’s windows. I have no idea how to do this. I thought about using ATL or COM, but I think these run as threads within Controllers process rather than as a separate application.

The third option I’ve considered is to create a window inside Controller that intercepts and passes all user input messages directly to Dbconnector using a windows message handle and takes a screenshot of DBconnector whenever the it is invalidated and passes it through the memory mapped file. Currently, this is what I am swaying towards.

Are there any suggestions on how to do the first and last option better, or how to do the second option at all, or another solution that I have missed? Keep in mind that our current hardware is running Windows Embedded Standard 7. The project is currently in visual studio 2015. The C++ window technology is MFC implemented using libraries originally from around 2003 I think. DBconnector is in .NET framework 4 in C#.


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