How do I list all groups a GCP service account belongs to?

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I have a GSA: [email protected]

GCP has supported groups for a while now so I added that GSA to a bunch of groups.

How can I easily see what groups that GSA belongs to?

If this was a google user account I could go to the G Suite console and view the user's group membership. This is a GSA though and it does not appear in the G Suite console like that.

Ideally I could see this in some web console page or with gcloud. This gcloud command will show me the members of a group: How do I do the inverse of that, again for a GSA not a google user account?


Not a solution but a script to search all groups. Still think there has to be an API call to get this as a single step. The groups.memberships.searchTransitiveGroups() method I think is only for seeing nested group memberships.

[email protected]
PROJECT_ID=projectname # This can be any project in the org
ORG_ID="$(gcloud projects get-ancestors $PROJECT_ID | grep organization | cut -f1 -d' ')"
# I don't think this label includes GCP security groups just G Suite email groups
GROUPS="$(gcloud beta identity groups search --organization=$ORG_ID --labels='' --format='json')"
GROUP_EMAILS="$(echo $GROUPS | jq '.groups[] |')"
echo $GROUP_EMAILS | \
    xargs -I {} sh -c "echo {} && \
    gcloud beta identity groups memberships list --group-email="{}" --format=json | \
    jq '.[] | select(\"$GSA_TO_SEARCH\")'"

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